About Canadian PA
At the Canadian PA Blog, we are passionate about bringing the latest and most comprehensive information on all things related to Physician Assistants (PAs) in Canada.
This blog serves as a platform serves as a valuable resource for aspiring PAs, current PA students, practicing PAs, PA employers and anyone interested in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of healthcare.
Here you’ll find:
120+ Blog Posts
72 Canadian PA and PA Student Profiles
3,100+ Youtube Subscribers, 200 videos
9,100+ followers on Instagram
4,400+ members in the Canadian Pre-PA Facebook Group
Note: Canadian PA is not affiliated with CAPA or other PA educational institutions.
At the Canadian PA Blog, our mission is centered around fostering a thriving and cohesive Physician Assistant (PA) community in Canada. Our platform is driven by the following core objectives:
Raise Awareness about PAs in Canada: To promote knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the Physician Assistant profession in Canada. Through informative and engaging content, we aim to showcase the diverse skills, competencies, and contributions that PAs bring to the healthcare team.
Foster Community and Collaboration: To foster a community where individuals can come together to share experiences, exchange ideas, and support one another in their journey towards becoming successful and well-informed healthcare professionals.
Promote Awareness and Understanding: We are committed to raising awareness and enhancing understanding about the vital role of PAs in the Canadian healthcare landscape.
Provide Resources on your PA Journey: Whether you're a Pre-PA exploring the possibility of a rewarding career in healthcare or a PA student navigating the challenges of education, we provide comprehensive resources and guidance to support your journey towards becoming an effective and stellar PA.
Helping Employers Hire a PA: For employers seeking to optimize their workforce and integrate PAs into their healthcare teams, we offer valuable resources and insights to aid in the hiring and onboarding process of PAs. Our goal is to facilitate seamless integration and maximize the potential of PAs in diverse healthcare settings.
Hi! I’m Anne.
I am a Canadian-trained and certified Physician Assistant and founder of the Canadian PA Blog.
It was during my relentless pursuit of exploring different careers in healthcare, that I stumbled upon the PA profession.
It was a non-traditional route to practice medicine that would allow me to use my intellect, and problem-solving skills to fill the gaps in healthcare and serve others.
After completing PA school, I went onto practice in Orthopaedic Surgery, where I see patients in clinic, on the ward, and first assist in surgery!
I started the blog to provide resources that I wish I had as a Pre-PA, and to highlight the amazing work of my PA colleagues in different specialties across Canada.
Embracing the Path Less Traveled: Choosing PA
I did not know I wanted to become a PA until I stumbled on the profession.
From a young age, I knew that I had a deep-rooted passion for health and a strong desire to help others in their pursuit of wellness.
Throughout my undergraduate years, I channeled this passion into various volunteer opportunities and experiences in hospital and research settings.
I diligently maintained a competitive GPA while actively participating in extracurricular activities and leadership roles within health-related campus clubs.
The Decision Crossroads
At the onset, my sights were set on medical school, just like many of my peers.
My academic achievements, extensive extracurricular involvement, and healthcare experience painted the picture of a stellar pre-med student.
However, I couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty and hesitation about pursuing medical school.
I didn’t feel like I fit in with the track of pre-med students. I didn’t feel passionate about becoming a doctor the way my peers did.
After much research and self-reflection, I determined that the main healthcare profession that aligned with my values and goals involved practicing medicine. However, I wasn’t sure if the traditional route to practicing medicine was for me.
The Search for a Perfect Fit
Determined to find my true calling, I embarked on a thorough exploration of various healthcare careers. Together with my guidance counselor, I explored numerous options such as Pharmacy, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, and Naturopathy, among others.
It was in one of our later sessions with my guidance counselor that she sat me down and said, “McMaster has started a new Physician Assistant program, and it is a brand new profession in Canada.”
I read articles online about how PA was a way to practice medicine, but with better work-life balance, and quality of life. There was the flexibility to switch specialties, and you were in school for only 2 years The purpose of the profession and why it was introduced, and how PAs operated in the health care system really aligned with my values, passions, and long-term goals.
Further research led me to PhysicianAssistantForum.com – one of the oldest and largest open forums for Physician Assistants and Pre-PAs in the United States. Back then there were little no resources available about PAs in Canada apart from the national association website and PA program websites. I ended up spending a lot of time perusing the Pre-PA General Discussion section of the forum to find students like myself looking to apply to PA program.
Choosing to Help Pioneer the PA Profession in Canada
Back in 2009, Canada had not graduated their own PAs yet (except for in the military), and there was only a handful of PAs recruited from the US and IMGs to work in pilot projects. I did not have the network or contacts to speak with a PA or PA student.
However, through my guidance counselor, I learned that one of my former undergraduate classmates had applied and gotten into the McMaster PA Education program and was already making her way through her 1st year of PA school.
I sat down for coffee on campus with the PA student, and started asking her questions about PA and the PA program. I learned about her Pre-PA Experience, her journey and her decision-making process. This conversation was very eye-opening, sharing her insights, and this solidified my decision to pursue PA.
The possibility of helping to pioneer a new career in Canada was very exciting too and inspired me to pursue becoming a Physician Assistant.
My PA Journey Now: Working as an Orthopaedic Surgery PA
When I started as a fresh PA graduate I focused primarily on mastery of my clinical skills and knowledge of Orthopaedic Surgery. This started with working with patients in an outpatient Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic at a group practice, followed by working in fracture clinic, surgical first-assist in the Operating Room, and more recently, inpatient/ward management.
Medicine, Mentoring and PA Advocacy
Once I got more comfortable within my clinical position and established myself as a PA in Orthopaedic Surgery, I challenged myself to take on PA students to teach and to volunteer on PA Advocacy initiatives and take on leadership roles within the Canadian Association of Physician Assistants (CAPA). I also volunteer on the Board of Directors for PAs for Research, Scholarship and Education in Canada (PARSEC), doing monthly Virtual PA shadowing sessions with PAs in different specialties across Canada.
I have mentored PA students, and fellow PA colleagues through placements, excelling in PA school, and navigating the job hunt through interviews and PA contract negotiation. I have seen colleagues make pivots in their careers owing to the flexibility of the PA profession (e.g. switching from working as a PA in Internal Medicine to Emergency Medicine, or Family Medicine to Orthopaedic Surgery!), or grow their PA careers working in the same specialty. I am always impressed by the work in patient care my PA colleagues have and continue to achieve.
It was interacting with patients, health care professionals and the PA community that inspired me to continue writing and working towards educating others about the PA role and the positive impact PAs can have on the health of Canadians.
I continue to write about the PA profession, many of the blog posts inspired by current events or questions I receive through email or in our Pre-PA Facebook group.
It’s my goal to help attract and inspire individuals passionate about health care on the journey to becoming a PA.
Thanks for reading about my journey. Feel free to peruse the blog or connect if you have any questions!
– Anne