Tips to Excel on the Virtual PA Job Interview


It has becoming increasingly common for PA employers to conduct interviews through virtual conference calls or video platforms. This shift offers both convenience and unique challenges for interviewees like you.

The virtual job interview requires a different set of skills and preparations compared to traditional face-to-face interviews. It's crucial to approach this opportunity with thorough preparation and a keen eye for detail, as making a strong impression is still important in securing the position.


I. Computer Setup

First impressions matter, even in a virtual setting. Creating a professional and distraction-free environment is crucial for a successful virtual PA job interview.

  • Choose the appropriate space: Find a quiet room or area where you won't be interrupted during the interview. Inform your household members or roommates in advance to minimize disturbances.

  • Ensure proper lighting: Good lighting is essential for a clear and professional appearance. Position yourself facing a natural light source, such as a window, or use well-placed artificial lights to illuminate your face evenly. Avoid backlighting, as it can create a silhouette effect.

  • Optimize camera setup:

    • Position your camera at eye level to create a natural and engaging presence.

    • Use a stable surface or a tripod to avoid shaky camera movements which can be distracting for interviewers who are trying to focus on your answer.

    • Make sure your face is centered within the frame, and maintain an appropriate distance from the camera.

  • Eliminate visual distractions: Declutter the background and remove any objects or posters that may be distracting or unprofessional. A clean and organized backdrop will ensure that the interviewer's focus remains on you and your qualifications.

  • Test your internet connection: A stable internet connection is crucial for a smooth virtual interview experience.


II. What to wear for Virtual Interviews

While the virtual nature of the interview may tempt you to adopt a more relaxed attire, it's essential to dress professionally to convey a polished and serious demeanor.

  1. Dress formally: no different than you would for an in-person interview.

    • Choose a well-fitted, comfortable and neat outfit: Select clothing that fits you well and is comfortable. Ensure that your outfit is clean, pressed, and free from wrinkles. A professional appearance exudes confidence and attention to detail.

    • Don’t forget professional pants/bottoms: Dressing appropriate (top and pants/bottom) in case you may have stand up to make adjustments, close a door, or address an interruption during the interview.

  2. Pay attention to grooming: Maintain a well-groomed appearance by ensuring clean and neatly styled hair, trimmed nails, and minimal or tasteful makeup. Presenting yourself with a polished appearance reflects your professionalism and attention to detail.


III. Familiarize yourself with the Virtual Platform (MS Teams, Zoom)

  • Research the platform: If you’ve never used the interview/video platform before, take the time to explore the virtual platform's website or watch tutorial videos to understand its functionalities. Familiarize yourself with features like video, audio, screen sharing, and chat options.

  • Use a professional display name: Customize your display name on the virtual platform to include your full name or initials before the interview takes place!. Avoid using nicknames or unprofessional usernames to maintain a polished and credible impression.

  • Practice with a friend or family member: Set up a mock interview with a friend or family member using the same virtual platform. This will allow you to get comfortable with the platform's interface, test your audio and video settings, and troubleshoot any technical issues in advance.

  • Ensure a stable internet connection: Connect your device to a reliable and high-speed internet connection to avoid potential disruptions during the interview. Close any unnecessary applications or browser tabs that may consume bandwidth.

  • Utilize appropriate virtual backgrounds (if available): Some platforms offer virtual background options. If you choose to use one, select a professional and unobtrusive background that doesn't distract from your presence.


IV. Exuding confidence and professionalism on camera

  • Maintain good eye contact: Look directly into the camera lens rather than at the screen when speaking. This creates the impression of maintaining eye contact with the interviewer, making the interaction feel more personal and engaging.

  • Utilize effective body language: Sit upright with good posture to convey attentiveness and confidence. Avoid slouching or fidgeting, as it can convey a lack of interest or professionalism. Use natural hand gestures when appropriate to emphasize your points.

  • Speak clearly and concisely: Articulate your words clearly and at an appropriate pace. Take a brief pause before responding to ensure you're delivering thoughtful and concise answers. Avoid rambling or going off-topic.

  • Demonstrate active listening: Show your engagement by nodding, smiling, and taking notes during the interview. This indicates that you are actively listening to the interviewer's questions and comments.

  • Manage distractions: Minimize potential distractions during the interview. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, close irrelevant tabs or applications, and ensure that you won't be interrupted by pets, family members, or other external factors.

  • Show enthusiasm and passion: Express genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity to work as a physician assistant. Share your passion for patient care and your commitment to making a positive impact in the healthcare field.


V. Practice getting comfortable speaking on camera

Feeling awkward speaking into a camera is a common challenge when transitioning to virtual platforms for job interviews. However, with practice and a few strategies, you can become more comfortable and confident.

  • Conduct mock interviews: Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or mentor to conduct mock interviews. Ask them to use the list of interview questions you've compiled and simulate a real interview scenario. Treat it as a formal practice session and strive to answer each question thoughtfully and professionally.

  • Record and evaluate yourself: Consider recording your mock interview sessions. Watching or listening to yourself can help identify areas for improvement. Try to use the same platform/camera that you will be using for the actual interview. Pay attention to your delivery, body language, and clarity of your responses. Take note of any verbal tics or habits that you may want to address.

  • Seek feedback: After each mock interview session, ask your practice interviewer for feedback. Inquire about your strengths and areas that need improvement. Their objective perspective can provide valuable insights and help you refine your responses further.

  • Use video calls for everyday communication: Incorporate video calls into your daily communication routine. This could include virtual meetings with colleagues, friends, or networking connections. The more you engage in video calls, the more natural and comfortable you'll become with the medium.


Final notes

A virtual PA job interview requires extra attention to detail to leave a positive and lasting impression on potential employers. Remember to pay attention to your environment, dress professionally, familiarize yourself with the virtual platform, and practice interviews qusetions . Show confidence and professionalism through your body language and active listening.


I am a Canadian trained and certified Physician Assistant working in Orthopaedic Surgery. I founded the Canadian PA blog as a way to raise awareness about the role and impact on the health care system.

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